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Creating integrations for other use cases

Tapfiliate is not just for stores or SaaS services. Learn how you can set up affiliate tracking for online casino, broker firms, and more.

Sonya avatar
Written by Sonya
Updated over a week ago

Tapfiliate is a robust and flexible tool, and many businesses that are not SaaS or eCommerce have used it to create and run their own affiliate programs.

In this guide, we will cover some less common use cases, and explain how non-SaaS/subscription and eCommerce businesses have previously used Tapfiliate to create their affiliate tracking integrations.

Tapfiliate's REST API integration option

You’re lucky that Tapfiliate has come up with a super reliable solution for your non-standard use case, and it's one we wholeheartedly recommend using: Our REST API Integration option.

It's already being used by hundreds of Tapfiliate customers, and it comes with multiple benefits:

  1. Flexibility. The use cases we're about to describe often have have complex, multi-step funnels. Our REST API integration option gives you the ability to trigger the creation of conversions at any stage of the customer's lifecycle. To do this, we will take advantage of Tapfiliate's recurring/lifetime commissions feature, and repurpose it for all use cases.

  2. Reliability. The REST API integration option is better for cross-device cases. Once you create the customer, the process of creating conversions is simple and straightforward. The actions can take place across a variety of devices, and all you have to do is report it to Tapfiliate.

  3. Evade adBlockers. This benefit is not exclusive to the use cases we describe here, but it's great to note that since the REST API integration option works in the backend, there are no JS scripts that adblocker can target. This means you have full control of tracking.


Use case: Affiliate tracking for Online Casinos

For this use case, we will assume your customer first signs up for your casino, and that you would like to create a conversion each time the user plays.

  1. Create a click, and attach the click id to your visitor.

  2. When the user signs up, Create a customer. This will link the customer to the affiliate that referred them.

  3. Each time the customer plays, Create a conversion. The reward per play can be a percentage of the amount the user plays or a fixed reward.

One-off rewards

If you prefer to issue a one-time fixed reward for a customer's sign-up, that's also possible.

You can do this by applying a frequency cap of 1 in your Lifetime/Recurring commissions settings. Your tracking would then be set up as follows:

  1. Create a click, and attach the click id to your visitor.

  2. When the user signs up, Create a conversion. In your call, make sure to indicate at least the click_id & customer_id (amount and external id are optional). That way, only one conversion is accepted per specific customer.


Use case: Affiliate tracking for Broker firms

For this use case, we will set up two separate examples.

Example 1: One-off fixed reward per customer referred

If you'd like to offer only one reward per customer that signs up, you can do this by applying a frequency cap of 1 in your Lifetime/Recurring commissions settings.

Your tracking would then be set up as follows:

  1. Create a click, and attach the click id to your visitor.

  2. When the user signs up, Create a conversion. In your call, make sure to indicate at least the click_id & customer_id (amount and external id are optional). That way, only one conversion is accepted per specific customer.

Example 2: Reward when a user adds to their wallet or purchases stock

Perhaps in your use case, you'd like to issue a reward when the lead is proven worth your while - after they perform a target action, such as depositing funds into their wallet, or purchasing shares/stock).

In such a case, you would want to set up tracking as follows.

  1. Create a click, and attach the click id to your visitor.

  2. When the user signs up, Create a customer. This will link the customer to the affiliate that referred them.

  3. Each time the customer performs the target action, Create a conversion.

If you'd like to limit actions tracked to just one per customer, you can do this by applying a frequency cap of 1 in your Lifetime/Recurring commissions settings.


Use case: Affiliate tracking for cryptocurrency exchange firms

This use case is similar to the brokerage firm use case.

Example 1: One-off fixed reward per new user referred

If you'd like to offer only one reward per user that signs up, you can do this by applying a frequency cap of 1 in your Lifetime/Recurring commissions settings.

Your tracking would then be set up as follows:

  1. Create a click, and attach the click id to your visitor.

  2. When the user signs up, Create a conversion. In your call, make sure to indicate at least the click_id & customer_id (amount and external id are optional). That way, only one conversion is accepted per specific customer.

Example 2: Issue reward when a user adds to their wallet or purchases stock

Perhaps in your use case, you'd like to issue a reward when the lead is proven worth your while - after they perform a target action such as depositing funds into their wallet, or making a purchase.

In such a case, you would want to set up tracking as follows.

  1. Create a click, and attach the click id to your visitor.

  2. When the user signs up, Create a customer. This will link the customer to the affiliate that referred them.

  3. Each time the customer performs the target action, Create a conversion. Indicate the customer_id, and a transaction id for your external_id. You can also indicate an amount, in the case your reward is percentage based.

If you'd like to limit actions tracked to just one per customer, you can do this by applying a frequency cap of 1 in your Lifetime/Recurring commissions settings.

Can Tapfiliate list my cryptocurrency as a payout option?

Cryptocurrencies have exploded in popularity in recent years, and we sometimes receive requests to include certain coins or tokens as currency options. However, we do not add cryptocurrencies indiscriminately, as not all of them are actively in circulation or widely recognized. If you have a cryptocurrency you would suggest adding, please contact support and let us know its name and symbol. That way we can evaluate if it can be added to our list of supported currencies.


Use case: Affiliate tracking for Dating websites and/or apps

Word-of-mouth is a great driver for dating websites, so why not engage existing move-making marketers and invite them to spread the love?

The way you track will largely depend on how your users interact with your website and/or mobile app.

Mobile app

  • If your app and interactions take place in mobile Android/iOS environments, take a look at our Mobile use case integration guide.

    This guide explains how to integrate for two specific target actions: install tracking and purchase tracking.

Tip: It's possible to combine both reward structures, and issue different kinds of reward for each target action by indicating a commission type in your create a conversion call.


If your user's interactions take place on a website and there is no app involved, we recommend the following flow:

  1. Create a click, and attach the click id to your visitor.

  2. When the user signs up for your dating service, Create a customer. This will link the customer to the affiliate that referred them.

  3. Each time the customer performs a target action, Create a conversion.

Though we recommend the REST API method, this can also be achieved using our generic JavaScript integration guide.

Mobile app and website

If you have both a website and a mobile app, you'd ideally want to be able to track in both.

We advise tracking a customer as soon as possible (either on mobile or on the website) so you can establish the affiliate-customer link. Later on, you can tack on the conversions each time the customer performs the target action.

For this, follow the Mobile Integration guide for your mobile environments, and set up tracking in your website using our REST API integration guide.


Use case: Affiliate tracking for Hotel/Booking/Tour/Ticketing platforms

Bookings, whether for tours, hotel rooms, experiences, appointments, etc., are tricky.

With the possibility of cancelation looming up until the days (or hours) prior to the actual event, rental, experience, or service rendered, you want to make sure you're able to track conversions but also keep track of the commissions that should not be issued because of cancelations or refunds.

With that in mind, we propose the following flow:

  1. Create a click, and attach the click id to your visitor.

  2. When the user makes their purchase or reservation, Create a conversion. Make sure your call includes the click_id, customer_id, external_id, and the amount.

  3. If a refund takes place, make sure to disapprove the commission.

  4. If the service is rendered, or the refund period expires, you can choose to approve the commission.

You may also disapprove and approve commissions through the interface, but if your volume of affiliate-driven conversions is high, it is recommended to set up a logic that eases your workflow, so you can focus on improving your affiliate program in other ways.

Is your product immediately purchased and non-refundable?

In the case of concert and event tickets, or museum ticket purchases, you'd only need to track the click and the conversion. This is how:

  1. Create a click, and attach the click id to your visitor.

  2. When the user makes their purchase or reservation, Create a conversion. Make sure your call includes the click_id, customer_id, external_id, and the amount.


Have a different use case?

Tapfiliate is a very flexible, robust tool, and we are happy to think along with you and come up with a tracking solution that works for your special, non-standard use case.

Just reach out to us in the chatbox, explain what you're looking to track, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

Interested in how you can use our REST API to create a deeper integration?

We have prepared a guide on how to create deeper integrations using our REST API. We advise taking a look to see what quality-of-life improvements and opportunities you can create for yourself.

Reminder: The use cases described here require the help of a developer to achieve. This has to do with the technicalities involved in creating the logic described in each use case, and the fact that they all rely on the REST API Integration option.

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