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Frequently asked questions about Tapfiliate
How to Create a Standard Commission (non-recurring)?
Migrating to Tapfiliate from a different platform
Tapfiliate's 14-day free trial
Tapfiliate Demo
Does Tapfiliate integrate with my platform?
Can I mix & match features from different plans?
Can I enter a trial period without submitting a payment method?
Will I be charged now that I have signed up for the free trial?
I don't have a credit card to provide my billing information.
Logging into your Tapfiliate account via your subdomain
Can I schedule a demo call?
Can I run a referral program with Tapfiliate?
What security measures does Tapfiliate take to ensure data is safe?
How does Tapfiliate prevent fraud?
I want to renew my Tapfiliate subscription. How do I do that?
Why does your Shopify app page mention external charges?
How does tracking work?
What do Clicks, Conversions & Customers represent?
Can I use Tapfiliate for multiple websites?
Can I call someone at Tapfiliate?
Are you GDPR compliant?
Can I use Tapfiliate to run programs for others?
What tracking methods do you offer?
Safari Intelligent Tracking Prevention
Can I reward affiliates with Cost-per-Click (CPC)?
Does Tapfiliate support replicated sites?