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What security measures does Tapfiliate take to ensure data is safe?
What security measures does Tapfiliate take to ensure data is safe?

Your data is secure with Tapfiliate. Here are the measures we've taken to ensure your personal and tracking data is safe.

Sonya avatar
Written by Sonya
Updated over a week ago

Your data is safe with Tapfiliate

At Tapfiliate, we take user security very seriously.

We understand the importance of businesses being able to comply with evolving data-privacy regulations and making sure that both advertisers and affiliates enjoy a worry-free affiliate marketing experience.

To ensure our user's data is secure, we've taken the following measures:

Measures to guarantee confidentiality

  • Our hosting provider is Amazon Web Services (AWS), which ensures that data is safe and prevents unauthorized individuals from gaining physical access to IT and data processing systems for processing personal data and confidential files and storage media. You can read more about AWS's security practices and compliance measures here.

  • Measures to prevent protected data from being processed or used by unauthorized persons, and to guarantee that only the person authorized to use the data processing processes can exclusively access their personal data (which are subject to their access authorization so that data cannot be read, copied, changed, stored or removed during the processing without authorization) includes user management with strict, granular access rights, regular access rights audits, as well as employee training.

  • Measures that reassure that data collected for different reasons is processed separately and therefore being separated from other data and systems in order to guarantee that unscheduled processing of these data for other reasons is impossible.

  • Tracking data is processed separately from personal data. We also ensure a separation of development, test, acceptance, and production systems.

  • All user data is encrypted.

Measures to secure integrity

  • To guarantee that personal data cannot be read, copied, changed, or removed at any point during an electronic transmission, or during the transport or storage on data carriers without authorization, and to check and determine the locations of transmissions of personal data, we have audit logs and encrypted transmissions.

  • We have also implemented measures that guarantee that it can be subsequently determined whether and by whom personal data has been entered, changed, or removed from data processing systems. We keep IP and HTTP logs of all requests, as well as database auditing logs.

  • All user data is encrypted.

Measures to ensure availability and capacity

  • To ensure that all personal data is protected against accidental destruction or loss, we have continued replication, daily snapshots, and redundant design of critical components.

  • All user data is encrypted.


Tapfiliate is GDPR compliant & privacy friendly

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was passed by the European Parliament in 2016, and it's rules came into effect on May 25th 2018.

The regulation not only introduces a series of important changes in the digital world and the way data is processed, but also levels the field across European countries, thus harmonizing and creating a single European digital market.

At Tapfiliate, we always put the customer at the heart of what we do, and complying with the new General Data Protection Regulation was for us just another way of embracing our mission of creating a better internet experience.

Note: Tapfiliate acts as a processor of your data. That means that it is incumbent on you (the Controller and owner of data) to comply with data protection laws.

You can read more about how Tapfiliate complies with GDPR here.

To learn more about our Privacy policy, click here.

Sign Tapfiliate's DPA

Are you located in the European Union and need to fill out our Data Processing Agreement (DPA)? Click on the button below to read and sign this document.

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