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Troubleshooting logo issues

Troubleshooting logo uploads and image quality issues

Sonya avatar
Written by Sonya
Updated over 3 years ago

If you're encountering issues uploading your company's logo on your Branding page, we're compiled a list of possible solutions to common issues below:

My logo appears pixelated

If your logo appears pixelated, this may indicate that you've used a low-resolution image. The recommended resolution is 300 Pixels per Inch (PPI). 

There may be a number of reasons why your logo cannot be uploaded: 

  • The size may exceed the maximum dimensions - your logo should be no more than 600 x 150px

  • The file size may exceed the 293 kb limit. 

  • Try to drag the logo into the field. 

  • Try to do a hard refresh of your browser (Click CTRL/Cmd + Shift + R simultaneously while on the page).

My logo appears very small on the sign up page

Make sure your logo is landscape oriented and not square oriented. Landscape oriented logo's will display a lot bigger that square logo's. 

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